Scholarships in American Government And Politics

Horace Samuel & Marion Galbraith Merrill Travel Grant

Award: $3,000, Deadline: December 1

Applicant must be a member of the OAH who is working toward the completion of a dissertation or first book. Stipend is for travel and lodging expenses.


Amy Louise Hunter Fellowship

Award: $2,000, Deadline: Varies

Application, supplemental materials, or book manuscript eligible for publication by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin Press are required to be submitted. Applicant is encouraged to discuss his or her project with the editorial director prior to submission.


Winterthur Program in Early American Culture

Award: -, Deadline: January 15

Applicant must be a college graduate and should demonstrate interest or have experience in museum/historical agency work. Selection is based upon GRE scores, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and writing sample. Fellowship is offered as part of U of Delaware's M.A. program in early American Culture.


Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship

Award: $5,000, Deadline: Late February

Applicant must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen or permanent resident and must be a member of one of the following ethnic groups: African-American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Eskimo/Aleut, Hispanic, Indian.


Patricia Collins Amaral Memorial Fund

Award: $600, Deadline: February 15

Applicant must be a senior who has a minimum 3.0 GPA and who has demonstrated the finest qualities of leadership through participation in campus organizations and has rendered service of significant benefit to the campus community.


Alumni Association Scholarship

Award: -, Deadline: February 15

Applicant must demonstrate community leadership and have met the award criteria established by the Alumni Association's Scholarship Committee. Applicant must have completed 12 credits last semester and 24 credits at Bridgewater State College as of December 31. Applicants who have transferred from Massachusetts Community Colleges, Dean College, or Quincy College are eligible to apply.