Scholarships in Lane

Candace Callan Scholarship

Award: $10,000, Deadline: March 1

Applicant must be a graduate of a Lane County high school who will enroll at least half time in a trade or vocational program in Douglas, Lane, or Linn County. FAFSA and minimum 2.0 GPA required (2.5 for college students).


David Family Scholarship

Award: $10,000, Deadline: March 1

Applicant must be a resident of Benton, Clackamas, Lane, Multnomah or Washington County who will enroll as a college sophomore or above at a public or nonprofit college or university. FAFSA and minimum 2.5 GPA required (maximum 3.5).


Congressman Peter DeFazio Scholarship

Award: $10,000, Deadline: March 1

Applicant must be a dislocated worker residing in Oregon's Fourth Congressional District (Benton, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Josephine, Lane, and Linn) who will enroll at least half time at Lane, Linn-Benton, Rogue, Southwestern Oregon, or Umpqua Community College. FAFSA required.


Eugene Area Radio Stations Broadcast Scholarship

Award: $10,000, Deadline: March 1

Applicant must be a resident of Benton, Coos, Deschutes, Douglas, Lane, Lincoln, or Linn County in Oregon who is pursuing a degree in broadcast journalism, management, production, or other broadcast-related major at least half time. Minimum 2.5 GPA required.


Dawn Lee Jordan Memorial Scholarship

Award: $10,000, Deadline: March 1

Applicant must be a female graduating senior from a Deschutes or Lane County high school who will attend a public or nonprofit college or university. FAFSA and minimum 1650 combined SAT scores (minimum 24 ACT composite) required.


North Eugene Retirees Association (NERA) Scholarship

Award: $10,000, Deadline: March 1

Applicant must be a graduating senior from North Eugene High School who resides in Lane County. FAFSA and minimum 3.0 GPA required.


Donna Shepherd Nursing Scholarship

Award: $10,000, Deadline: March 1

Applicant must be a resident of Lane County who will major in nursing at Lane Community College or Oregon Health & Science University. FAFSA required.


Glenn R. and Juanita B. Struble Scholarship II

Award: -, Deadline: March 1

Applicant must be a graduate of an Oregon high school who resides in Benton, Douglas, Jackson, Lane, Linn, Marion, or Yamhill County and will major in business management, mechanical engineering, performing arts, or visual arts at a public or nonprofit college or university. FAFSA and minimum 3.0 GPA required.