Scholarships in Kentucky

Incentive Scholarship

Award: $4,000, Deadline: December 1

Applicant must be a student who resides outside of Indiana and have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA.


Governor's Trustees' Scholarship

Award: -, Deadline: January 15

Applicant must have a 3.35 GPA, and a minimum combined SAT score of 1210 (composite ACT score of 27). Applicant must have completed the Kentucky Governor's Scholars Program or Governor's School for the Arts, be a resident of Kentucky, and be a Kentucky high school senior.


Dr. Martin Luther King Endowment of Peace Scholarship

Award: -, Deadline: January 15

Applicant must have a minimum 3.75 highschool GPA, a minimum combined SAT score of 1090 (ACT score of 24), and be a Kentucky resident.


Woodford R. Porter Sr. Scholarship

Award: -, Deadline: January 15

Applicant must be an African-American high school senior and be a Kentucky resident. Selection based upon academic merit.


President's Scholarship

Award: -, Deadline: January 15

Applicant must have a minimum 3.35 GPA and a minimum ACT score of 24. Applicant must be a Kentucky resident and a full-time undergraduate student.

  • Kentucky
  • No Restrictions
  • All Majors Eligible


Hendershot Scholarship

Award: -, Deadline: February 15

Applicant must have attended a Kentucky high school and plan to major in art or art history.


Out of State Reduced Tuition Scholarship

Award: $2,500, Deadline: March 1

Applicant must have a minimum 3.5 GPA or rank in the top fifth of his/her class, and must have a minimum combined SAT Reasoning score of 1100 (composite ACT score of 24). Transfer applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.


BB&T Endowed Scholarship

Award: $4,000, Deadline: April 30

Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and be a resident of District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, or West Virginia.


Regional Scholarship

Award: $2,000, Deadline: February 15

Applicant must be a full-time, matriculated freshmen who is a graduate from a high school outside of New York State.


Cook Scholarship

Award: $7,000, Deadline: None

Applicant must reside in a state other than New York and must graduate from a private or parochial school. Applicant must have a minimum "85" average and a minimum combined SAT I score of 1000.


Mid-America Region Grant

Award: $2,500, Deadline: None

Applicant must be a resident of AL, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MI, MS, NC, SC, TN, or WV.


Western Region Grant

Award: $3,000, Deadline: None

Applicant must be a resident of Louisiana, Minnesota, or any state west of the Mississippi River.


Scholar Recognition Award for Out-of-Sate Students

Award: $2,000, Deadline: None

Selection is based upon superior academic achievement.


NTA Pat & Jim Host Scholarship

Award: $1,000, Deadline: April 1

Applicants should be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States and a permanent resident of Kentucky, who is a full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in a travel-and-tourism- or hospitality-related program of study at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States entering sophomore, junior, or senior year as an undergraduate, or any year of graduate study in the fall of the calendar year of application, with a minimum 3.0 grade point average. Undergraduate students will be entering sophomore, junior, or senior year in the fall of the calendar year of application, and will have completed 30, 60, or 90 credit hours respectively by the end of this semester or term. Graduate students will be entering any year of graduate study in the fall of the calendar year of application. For a complete application, applicant needs to submit a U. S. passport as proof of citizenship, or U. S. Alien Registration Card as proof of permanent residency, Kentucky driver's license as proof of permanent state residency, resume, official transcript, two evaluations and letters of recommendation (one academic and one professional), and an essay. Essay topic: If undergraduate level student: Discuss what segment of the travel and tourism or hospitality industry your current program of study focuses on. What opportunities are you taking advantage of as you prepare for a career in the industry? Please tell us about your academic and extracurricular activities and experiences, i.e. work, internships, etc., and how they tie into your present and future goals. Mention any awards or commendations you have received relating to the travel and tourism or hospitality industry; or, if graduate level student: You have chosen to pursue a career path in the travel and tourism or hospitality industry. What changes have you observed thus far in the industry, and what changes do you anticipate in the future of the industry? Where do you see your future potential in the industry? Mention any awards or commendations you have received relating to the travel and tourism or hospitality industry.


President's Out of State Scholar Award

Award: $3,000, Deadline: None

Applicant must be an incoming non-New York state resident admitted as an undergraduate freshman in Group I or Group II of the SUNY admissions matrix. Applicant must be enrolled as a full-time student, maintain residence outside of New York state, and live in a university residence hall. The Director of Admissions will choose the award recipients based on their admissions application, SAT scores, and high school grades.


President's International Scholar Award

Award: $3,000, Deadline: None

Applicant must be enrolled as a full-time student, maintain a residence outside of New York and international student status, maintain normal academic progress, live in a university residence hall, and maintain a 3.0 GPA. The Director of International Education will choose the award recipients based on their admissions application and transcript.


Akron Advantage Blue Award

Award: $5,900, Deadline: None

Applicant must be an out-of-state student. Minimum 3.0 GPA and minimum combined SAT Reasoning score of 1000 (composite ACT score of 21) required.


Akron Advantage Gold Award

Award: $9,000, Deadline: None

Applicant must be an out-of-state resident who is a first-time, full-time freshman or transfer student who meets two of the following criteria: minimum 3.5 GPA (3.25 transfer GPA); rank in top 10% of secondary school class; or minimum combined SAT Reasoning score of 1200 (composite ACT score of 27).


Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES)

Award: $500, Deadline: None

Applicant must be a Kentucky resident and have a minimum 2.5 GPA.


Commonwealth Scholars Program

Award: -, Deadline: July 15

Applicant must be a resident of Kentucky attending a college or university in Kentucky.


Early Childhood Development Scholarship

Award: $1,800, Deadline: July 15 (fall); November 15 (spring); April 15 (summer)

Applicant must be a Kentucky resident and work at least 20 hours weekly in a participating early childhood facility or approved professional development training.


Education at Work Scholarship

Award: $1,000, Deadline: July 15

Applicant must be a Kentucky resident and have received services from the sate Office for the Blind, Office of Employment and Training, Office of Career and Technical Education, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation or Kentucky Adult Education in the past three years.


Mary Jo Young AP Scholarship

Award: -, Deadline: September 1

Applicant must be a resident of Kentucky and demonstrate competency in prerequisite content. Priority given to low-income students, minorities, students with disabilities and students in low-performing schools.


Mary Jo Young Dual Credit Scholarship

Award: $575, Deadline: July 15

Applicant must be a resident of Kentucky, demonstrate competency in prerequisite content and be enrolled in credit-bearing courses. Priority given to low-income students, minorities, students with disabilities and students in low-performing schools.


Out-of-State Resident Grant

Award: $1,500, Deadline: None

Applicant must demonstrate residency in a state other than Illinois and live on campus during the academic year; parents may not be residents of Illinois.


Out-of-State Choice Grant

Award: $660, Deadline: None


Out-of-State Grant

Award: $1,000, Deadline: None

Applicant must rank in the top half of class and have a minimum 3.0 GPA and a minimum composite ACT score of 20.


Service County Scholarship

Award: -, Deadline: July 1


Commonwealth Scholarship

Award: -, Deadline: July 1

Applicant must rank in the top tenth of graduating class and have participated in at least three extra curricular activities


Commonwealth Scholarship

Award: $2,500, Deadline: January 16

Selection preference will go to applicant who is a candidate for a Singletary Scholarship