College Grants
Student Loans
Student Loans
Federal Loans
State Loans
No Co-signer Loans
Bad Credit Loans
Loan Consolidation
College Survival
Applicant will be individually reviewed by a selection committee based on the essay and letters of recommendation. An interview may be required. Recipient must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Recipient must reapply for renewal.
Study areas: business management, culinary arts, hospitality management
Deadline: Rolling
Award type: Scholarship
Kendall College
900 North Branch Street Chicago, IL 60622 United States
Phone: (312) 752-2000
Fax: (847) 733-7450
Kendall College
900 North Branch Street Chicago, IL 60622 United States
Phone: (312) 752-2000
Fax: (847) 733-7450