College Grants
Student Loans
Student Loans
Federal Loans
State Loans
No Co-signer Loans
Bad Credit Loans
Loan Consolidation
College Survival
Applicant must be a child, under the age of 24, or spouse of a U.S. military personnel who is a high school senior or graduate enrolled in a two-or four-year university with a minimum 2.0 GPA.
Deadline: May 15
Award type: Scholarship
Enrollment level: College Sophomore, College Senior, College Freshman, High School Senior, College Junior
Country: United States
Military affiliation: Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard, Army, Military, Air Force, Child Of Military Personnel, Dependent Spouse Of Military Personnel
Scholarship Administrator
1390 Chain Bridge Road, #260 McLean, VA 22101 United States
Phone: (507) 931-0631
1390 Chain Bridge Road, #260 McLean, VA 22101 United States
Phone: (888) 849-8720