College Grants
Student Loans
Student Loans
Federal Loans
State Loans
No Co-signer Loans
Bad Credit Loans
Loan Consolidation
College Survival
Applicant must be a high school senior or high school graduate from Texas who is seeking a future career in law. Minimum 3.0 GPA and student aid report showing income status of household are required.
Study areas: law
Deadline: May 31
Award type: Scholarship
Enrollment level: High School Senior, College Freshman, College Senior, College Junior, College Sophomore
Country: United States
State: Texas
Major: Law (ll.b., J.d.)
Tad Nelson
Principal Attorney at Tad Nelson & Associates
1221 Studewood Street #107 Houston, TX 77008 United States
Phone: (713) 802-1631
The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates
1221 Studewood Street #107 Houston, TX 77008 United States
Phone: (713) 802-1631