College Grants
Student Loans
Student Loans
Federal Loans
State Loans
No Co-signer Loans
Bad Credit Loans
Loan Consolidation
College Survival
Applicant must be a graduating senior of Eastmont High School who has been accepted at an accredited educational program in the United States. Applicant must have participated in a varsity sport for a minimum of two years. Minimum GPA between 2.8 and 3.5, personal statement, and letters of recommendation required.
Deadline: February 15
Award type: Scholarship
Enrollment level: High School Senior, College Freshman
Country: United States
State: Washington
Sport: Water Skiing, Basketball, Riflery/shooting, Skiing, Surfing, Track, Tennis, Intercollegiate Athletics, Weight Lifting, Paintball, Interscholastic Sports, Baseball, Football, Bicycling, Rodeo, Athlete, Club Sports, Bowling, Volleyball, Ice Hockey, Extracurricular Sports, Wrestling, Badminton, Fencing, Water Polo, Kayaking, Ice Skating, Other/not Listed, Golf, Lacrosse, Swimming, Crew, Equestrian Sports, Softball, Cheerleading, Cross-country, Student-athlete, Rugby, Strength And Conditioning, Canoeing, Judo, Diving, Athletics, Soccer, Field Hockey, Track And Field, Varsity Sports, Gymnastics
Nine South Wenatchee Avenue Wenatchee, WA 98807 United States
Phone: (509) 663-7716
Fax: (888) 317-8314
Community Foundation of North Central Washington
Nine South Wenatchee Avenue Wenatchee, WA 98807 United States
Phone: (509) 663-7716
Fax: (888) 317-8314