College Grants
Student Loans
Student Loans
Federal Loans
State Loans
No Co-signer Loans
Bad Credit Loans
Loan Consolidation
College Survival
Applicants must be enrolling as undergraduates at a four-year North Carolina college or university or a junior or community college in the state, provided the program of study is transferable to a four-year college. Students must also have a strong record of 4-H Club participation, have an excellent high school academic record and show an aptitude for college work through SAT scores. An application form, transcript, photo page and two recommendation letters are required. For some of the awards, financial need is necessary. Some awards have geographic restrictions to regions of the state while others are for a degree program or a specific college or university. Some scholarships are renewable.
Deadline: February 1
Award type: Scholarship
Enrollment level: High School Senior
State: North Carolina
North Carolina 4-H Youth Development
Shannon MCCollum, Extension 4-H Associate
NCSU Campus Box 7655 Raleigh, NC 27695 United States
Phone: (919) 515-8486
North Carolina 4-H Youth Development
Shannon MCCollum, Extension 4-H Associate
NCSU Campus Box 7655 Raleigh, NC 27695 United States
Phone: (919) 515-8486