College Grants
Student Loans
Student Loans
Federal Loans
State Loans
No Co-signer Loans
Bad Credit Loans
Loan Consolidation
College Survival
Applicant must be an outstanding rock musician from the U.S. Financial need must be demonstrated. Live audition and interview required.
Study areas: music
Award type: Scholarship
Award coverage: Full Tuition
Enrollment level: College Senior, High School Senior, College Sophomore, College Freshman, College Junior
Country: United States
Major: Music
Interests: Music
Misc: Financial Need
Office of Scholarships and Student Employment
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02215 United States
Phone: (617) 747-8681
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02215 United States
Phone: (617) 266-1400
Fax: (617) 247-6878