College Grants
How to Find Grants
Merit Based Grants
Merit Grant Application
Need Based Grants
Low Income
Returning Students
Minority Students
African American
Native American
Law school is an expensive proposition, and college-bound law students will need to consider all forms of financial aid. The successful student should have a sound strategy in place for finding that much needed grant money that helps to pay for college. General education grants, and specific law school grants, can go a long way toward covering the considerable costs of a law school education. With the right tools, students pursuing a degree in the law can find grant money that will make college more accessible, and more affordable.
The types of grants law students will be searching for include:
The Federal government, as well as local State governments, offer grant opportunities for all types of college students. These grants can provide much
needed supplementary funds for both undergraduate and graduate level law students. Some of the most notable government grant programs include:
National, State and regional Law Associations have mission statements that include the support and encouragement of students entering the legal profession. Some of the most lucrative grant programs can be found here, with a special emphasis being given to women and minority law students. Law Associations provide general grant funds to undergraduates and graduates, as well as providing research and travel specific grants for more advanced law students.
Students embarking on a legal career should look to their local and State bar associations, as well as regional legal aid societies, for information on grant opportunities for which they may be eligible. Some examples of the types of available programs will help you know what to look for when searching for grant opportunities from your local legal associations.
Students searching for grant money to pay for college might also contact regional, state and national law firms who provide grants for law students. These awards are generally smaller, but can help to supplement a student's college fund. Grant programs sponsored by individual law firms are likely to be gender or minority specific, with an aim towards diversifying the law firms staff of practicing attorneys.
One of the best and most attainable sources of grant money is a student's own law school. Many colleges offer substantial public or legal service grants to their attending students. These programs match students with legal service internships, providing a stipend which helps to defray tuition costs. These programs also provide the student with much needed practical experience which can be helpful when the time comes to apply for a permanent position with a practicing law firm.
Examples of service grant programs include:
Students pursuing a law degree should contact their colleges financial aid department to find out if they offer similar service grant programs. Financial aid programs such as these may be the deciding factor when choosing your college or university.